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Windeck Castle

Culture & Tradition District of Rastatt
Burg Windeck
Burg Windeck

Windeck Castle was built around 1200 by the Lords of Windeck on a mountain spur south-east of Bühl as a dwelling, defence structure and a sign of their claim to power. And as the inhabitants of the castle had a fresh breeze blowing around their noses up there, they called their new domicile ‘Wind-Eck’. The palas building, the former residential building, was largely destroyed over the years, so that the current entrance on the ground floor dates from the 19th century. The castle withstood all enemy attacks, but was ravaged by fire in the 14th century. Today, the castle tower can be climbed from April to October from 9.00 a.m. until nightfall and in the winter months in good weather. Directly below the ruins there is a hotel restaurant and the ‘Pferdestall’ snack bar as well as a large children’s playground.

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