Arrival & Parking Arrival by car
Everything you need to know about travelling to the Airport Karlsruhe / Baden-Baden: Find practical information on parking fees, routes and traffic conditions so that you can reach your flight on time and in comfort. Start your journey relaxed – with a well-planned journey to the airport.
Please pay attention to the speed limit of 50 kilometres per hour on the area of Baden-Airpark – Airport Karlsruhe / Baden-Baden (FKB). Irregular speed checks are made on this area.
Arrival & Parking Current traffic announcements
You can find current traffic announcements on the website of the Südwestrundfunk and on the website of Inforoute Alsace.
Arrival & Parking Petrol station at Baden-Airpark
An independent petrol station with shop and car wash site is at your disposal at Baden-Airpark. The petrol station (Victoria Boulevard B 126) is situated south of the traffic circle in direct neighbourhood to the boarding kennels.